• Horizon Program consists of two components: Community Service/Restitution and Teen Court.

    The Community Service/Restitution component receives youth referrals from Juvenile Justice Services. These youth have been referred to complete community service hours that have been ordered by either a District Court judge or Juvenile Court Counselor.  The youth may owe restitution and are able to repay victims through their work at worksites.  These youth are placed at approved Community Service worksites throughout the county.

    Beaufort County Teen Court is a voluntary alternative to the Juvenile Justice System. Beaufort County School students (8th-12th graders) are invited to participate as volunteers. Student volunteers participate in court hearings and are trained as: bailiff, deputy clerk, jury foreperson, prosecuting attorney, and defense attorney. While participating, volunteers earn community involvement hours that may be used when applying for employment and college scholarships. Volunteers have the opportunity to: develop public speaking skills, increase their responsibility level, gain knowledge about the local justice system and develop positive peer relationships.

    Youth offenders MUST be first-time offenders. They must admit guilt and have parent involvement in order to participate in Teen Court. Teen Court allows the first-time offender to make amends for their actions and repay the community for any losses (personal/property damage). Teen Court directs youth in a positive direction by employing positive peer pressure and the principles of restorative justice. All of this is done without the Youth incurring a juvenile criminal record.

    The court hearings are conducted by student volunteers and are confidential. After hearing all the evidence, the jury panel will provide sanctions that may include but are not limited to: jury duty, community service, apology letters, essays, and maintaining appropriate school behavior.

    Teen Court accepts referrals from School Resource Officers, Juvenile Justice Personnel and District Court.



    Sharon Hopkins
    Horizon Program Director

    252-402-3785 (Cell)
    252-975-6044 (Fax)
    252-946-0185 (Office)

    Horizon Office Address
    310 W. Main Street, Suite 202-A
    Washington, NC 27889