• CHILD FIND is an effort coordinated by Beaufort County Schools and the Exceptional Children Division of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction to identify, locate and evaluate all children with disabilities, regardless of the severity of their disabilities. Child Find includes all children who reside within the state of North Carolina from birth through age 21, including children who attend private schools and public schools, highly mobile children, migrant children, homeless children, and children who are wards of the state. Beaufort County Schools is dedicated to enhancing the public’s understanding of students with disabilities and the available resources for these students.

    If a parent or guardian suspects that a child has a disability and wants to make a referral please do the following:

    *For students enrolled in Beaufort County Schools contact the student’s regular education teacher or the school principal.

    *For students enrolled in private school or who are homeschooled contact Kim Gibbs, Exceptional Children’s Director for Beaufort County Schools, at (252)940-6580.

    *For student who are preschool age contact Catherine Tahaney, PreK Coordinator for Beaufort County Schools, at (252)946-6593.

    Child Find posters are proudly displayed in each school and local offices throughout Beaufort County in efforts to provide information to parents and guardians about the Child Find process.

    If you have any questions concerning Child Find, please contact Kim Gibbs, Exceptional Children’s Director for Beaufort County Schools, at (252)940-6580.

    You can get additional information about Child Find the following website:
