- Northside High
- Sean Sullivan
- Northside High
- Sean Sullivan
Degrees and Certifications:
East Carolina University 2016 - 2021 History/History Education
Mr. Sean Sullivan
Hello, My name is Sean Sullivan and this is my 4th year teaching and 3rd year at Northside. I am from Greenville, NC and have spent my whole life in Eastern NC. I went to East Carolina University where I majored in History and Education. I learned to appreciate literature through the lense of historical context and thus became a better writer through history classes as well. I enjoy many historical books and texts depicting the rich culture they possess. I also enjoy fishing and being in nature.
Class Schedules and Google Classroom links 2024 Fall
8:30 - 9:56 English III (Hybrid) https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA3NTMwMzIwMzIw?cjc=762gxmq
10:36 - 12:02 English IV (Hybrid) https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA3NTMzMTU4NDY4?cjc=pmoyvcp
12:06 - 1:56 Planning
2:00 - 3:26 English IV (Honors) https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA3NTM0MDcxMjkx?cjc=2jfvxl4
Syllabus on Google Classroom