

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Jared Adams

Hello students and families!

My name is Coach Adams. I have been at Northside High School since 2013 and the school's Athletic Director since 2019. I am the head coach for Varsity Boys Basketball & Varsity Golf. Prior to Northside, I attended ECU and received a BS and MAED in Physical Education with concentrations in Pedagogy and Math Education. At ECU, I played on the Golf Club Team and was an active participant in the Kinesiology Majors Club.

  • Room: 127

    Phone: 252-943-6341


    Degress and Certifications:

    BS Physical Education/Concentration Math Education at East Carolina University

    MAED Physical Education/Concentration Pedagogy at East Carolina University

    Northside N  

  • -1st Period: Health/PE    1st Period Google Classroom

    -2nd Period: Planning

    -3rd Period: Athletic Director 

    -4th Period: Athletic Director