- Southside High
- Clubs
- Southside High
- Clubs
Advisor: Mr. Lohman
Purpose: The mission of the SHS Art Club will be to stimulate and encourage students to participate in the arts, to provide educational opportunities for students to develop further in artistic skills and appreciation, to give students the opportunity to establish social relationships through a common interest, and to promote community awareness of the arts through student work.
Dues: $10.00
Membership requirements:Members must apply to be part of the Art Club. Students chosen are picked based on application criteria.
Students must maintain a 65 or above in all of their classes including electives throughout the entire school year. Failure to maintain a 65 or above in any current class will result in suspension from the art club until the grade is raised.
Students must represent themselves as role models in the classroom. Students who have been written up more than 3 times during the start of the club will be dismissed.
Students must come to every meeting (unless discussed with the adviser). Attendance will be taken during every club meeting. Students who miss more than four meetings will be dismissed.BATTLE OF THE BOOKS
Advisor: Ashley Coward
Purpose: The North Carolina School Library Media Association sponsors the Battle of the Books (BOB) program to help students develop a love of reading and become familiar with the best young adult literature. The program involves students reading books from a list created by the state committee and then competing in quiz-bowl style tournaments to test their knowledge. The list includes 16 books each year that represent a wide range of genres and reading levels. The program also aims to help students improve their reading skills, monitor their comprehension, and become active participants in book discussions.
Dues: There are no dues, but we will have a simple fundraiser to cover costs of a team t-shirt, next year’s book list, and a BOB website for competition preparation.
Membership requirements:Activities: Fundraiser, Team Practices, District Competition, Regional Competition (if applicable)
Advisor: Raven Cathey
Purpose: The Beta Club recognizes and develops leadership, character, and achievement.
Dues: New Members $32.00, Returning Members $10.00 Membership requirements: 3.75 weighted and unweighted GPA, 2+ advanced courses a year, must belong to one additional club or activity, participate in 5 service hours a semester with a nonprofit organization- see advisor for additional details.
Activities: Fundraisers, service hours, college tours, etcDISTINGUISHED MEN OF PURPOSE
Advisor: Otis Harrell, Davelle Whitney, and Kam Rouse
Purpose: To create an environment that will encourage young men to be successful in life.
Dues: None
Membership Requirement: Pass all grades. No discipline issues. No tardies. Adhere to all requirements and values set forth by Distinguished Men of Purpose.
Activities: Participate in two service learning projects each school year. End-of-year club cookout, along with other events, based on club needs.FFA-FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA
Advisor: Buffy Everette
Purpose: To make a positive difference in the lives of its members by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. To accomplish this mission, FFA: Develops competent and assertive agricultural leadership.
Dues: $25.00 and includes t-shirt
Membership requirements: Must be taking a class taught by Ms. Everette - horticulture, agriscience, or animal science
Activities: Special cookouts, Fundraisers; state fair trip; UMO Ag Fest, Regional Leadership Conference, MEGA Conference, WLC Leadership, Career Development Events, ; School Beautification Project; State Leadership Conference, Camp at White Lake, Community Service Projects, Scholarships AvailableMATH CLUB
Advisor: Melissa Brown
Purpose: To encourage excellence in math and give students who excel in various math courses an opportunity to participate in various community service activities; to aid the school by raising funds for senior scholarships; to promote positiveness in our school atmosphere.
Dues: $15.00 includes t-shirt
Membership requirements: Students have taken and passed Math 1, have an 85 or better average in their last math class, and keep 85 or higher in current math class.
Activities: October Rock-a-thon fundraisers for Bright Futures; November Krispy Kreme fundraisers for senior scholarship funds; December Nursing Home gifts and visit for Christmas; Pi Week activities; Wish List Drive, Can Tab Collection, and Door Decorations for Ronald McDonald House of Greenville; April School Wide Egg Hunt fundraiser for senior scholarship funds; and the Annual End of Year Pizza Party for members meeting the club participation requirements for the year.SKILLS USA
Advisor: David Dixon
Purpose: To increase students’ interest in skilled careers in the workforce through field trips and competitions.
Dues: $20.00
Membership requirements: Currently Enrolled in or completed a CTE class
Activities: Attend and compete at state and national level skill competitions.SOUTHSIDE STUDENT ATHLETIC CLUB
Advisors: Jeff Carrow
Purpose: Provide opportunities for exhibiting school spirit and service opportunities in our community that promote the positive effects of athletics on the development of student character.
Dues: $10.00
Membership requirements: must be a member of a Southside athletic team, maintain high academics, and be positive role modelsSTUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION
Advisor: Jay Petty
Purpose: The SGA is composed of students who represent the interests of the student body and whom that body selects.
Membership requirements: Any student at Southside with at least a 3.0 GPA and in good standing.
Activities: Homecoming; Thanksgiving/Christmas community service projectSTUDENT TRAINERS
Advisor: Otis Harrell
Purpose: Provide immediate first aid and long-term care to the athletes; to assist with preventative and rehab treatment.
Dues: None Cost of Shirt-$18.00 Cost of Training-$35.00
Membership requirements: Pass a first aid CPR class; receive additional training; maintain an overall average of at least 77; must be available for at least one sports season.