Health and Wellness

  • General:

    The Wellness program is an integral part of the JROTC program that represents 20% of the overall JROTC grade. It is designed to offer all cadets a way to make significant improvement in their health and to promote a more active and healthy lifestyle. This program allows the development of individual training programs based on national standards by age and gender. It identifies areas of improvement and incorporates a physical training program to reach individual goals to be achieved during the school year (36 weeks). It is composed of Exercises that work all muscle groups and do not require any special equipment. Although this wellness program is important, the safety of participants is paramount!!! Under no circumstances will cadets be forced to do things they can not do or push themselves beyond their abilities. 

     Wellness Exercises:

    The Wellness Program is comprised of 6 selected exercises as follows:

    Right Angle Push-Ups
    Mile Run
    Cool Down

    Wellness Training Program:

    Prior to conducting the unit Wellness Program, units will conduct and load the Cadet Physical Fitness Test (PFT) initial assessment into WINGS. The Wellness program will be managed and directed by the Flight Commanders and Flight Sergeants. Instructors will specify wellness training. Normally it will be conducted on Friday, and other days if directed. On Friday, cadets will receive two grades; one for Wellness Training uniform wear (JROTC T-shirt, shorts or sweatpants, and tennis shoes), and the other for participation and progress in the wellness training exercises. Cadets who do not wear the appropriate clothing or refuse to participate will receive an “F”. Only cadets with a medical excuse will be exempt from participation but will be required to help with other duties as designated by the instructor or the class Wellness Training leader. At the beginning of the semester, the Wellness Training leader will ensure all cadets in their class have a completed Wellness training program parental consent form and administer a diagnostic test/initial assessment to each member of its flight performing all 3 of the exercises. This will be done over several days depending on class schedule. Results will be recorded in WINGS under PFT Assessments. Scores are assigned by the PFT program and takes into account the cadet’s age and gender.

    Duties of Wellness Training leaders: Training leaders will provide the scores to the Wellness Training Officer who will enter them in WINGS. On designated wellness training days, usually on Fridays, the Wellness Training Officer will perform the 3 exercises and ensure class Wellness Training leaders are properly trained and informed. Class Wellness Training leaders will direct all training activities. On these days, the Wellness Training leader will do the following:

    Ensure all cadets are properly dressed and hydrated before going to the exercise area
    Conduct Warm-up exercises for at least 5 minutes prior to the beginning of the designated standard exercises.
    Direct the 3 designated exercises ensuring students perform and complete required repetitions according to their workout plan.
    Direct Cool-down/stretching exercises
    Ensure results are recorded in the class training report and provided to the Wellness Training Officer for entry in WINGS (initial and final assessments).
     Wellness Program Assessment

    Cadet Physical Fitness Test will be conducted twice, at a minimum: At the beginning of the semester to establish a baseline and a final assessment at the end of the semester to determine individual improvement. The initial assessment must be entered in WINGS within 45 calendar days of the start of school.  A final assessment will be entered no later than 30 calendar days before the end of the semester/school year.

     Wellness Program Recognition

    All cadets that participate in the Wellness Program will receive the fitness ribbon. Also there is a Wellness Program Most Improved Award as determined by the SASI.

    Warm Up-Stretching

     Each cadet must stretch for at least 3-mins to warm the body up. After the cadets are finished they should began the 6 required exercises.

    The Three Required Exercises

     1) PUSH-UPS.

    The student lies face down on the mat in push-up position with hands under shoulders, fingers straight, and legs straight, parallel, and slightly apart, with the toes supporting the feet.  The student straightens the arms, keeping the back and knees straight, then lowers the body until there is a 90-degree angle at the elbows, with the upper arms parallel to the floor, A partner holds her/his hand at the point of the 90-degree angle so that the student being tested goes down only until her/his shoulder touches the partner’s hand, then back up.  The push-ups are done to a metronome (or audio tape, clapping, drums) with one complete push-up every three seconds, and are continued until the student can do no more in rhythm (has not done the last three in rhythm) or has reached the target number for the PPP A.  Right angle push-ups tip: As with the pull-up, spend as little time in the starting position beforehand in order to increase the number of repetitions. Any extra movement may also decrease the number of repetitions.  Right angle push-ups scoring: Record only those push-ups done with proper form and in rhythm.

    2) SIT-UPS (1 Minute).  This event measures abdominal strength and endurance.

    Sit-ups test: Have students lie on cushioned, clean surface with knees flexed and feet about 12 inches from buttocks. Partner holds feet. Arms are crossed with hands placed on opposite shoulders and elbows held close to the chest. Keeping this arm position, student raises the trunk curling up to touch elbows to thighs and then lowers the back to the floor so that the scapulas (shoulder blades) touch the floor, for one curl-up. To start, a timer calls out the signal “Ready? Go!” and begins timing student for one minute. The student stops on the word “stop.”  Curl-ups tip: Instruct helpers to count aloud the number of repetitions.  Sit-ups scoring: “Bouncing” off the floor is not permitted. The curl-up should be counted only if performed correctly.

    3) 1-MILE RUN (Time).  This event measures cardiovascular conditioning.

    The 1-mile run should take place on a regulation track. If a track is not available, make sure the course is well marked and that all runners start at the same mark. Runners should not switch lanes until the 200-meter mark if the run is being conducted on a standard 400-meter track. Runners should be stretched well and hydrated before the run.

    4) Cool Down Stretching Exercises.

    After all the exercises are completed, to reduce injury the cadets are to cool down with a few stretches, such as arm and leg stretches that were in the warm-up. Hydration is very important part of the cooling down process; make sure the cadets drink water.