• The Bath Elementary School Improvement Team (SIT) meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 3:15 and, as needed, on an emergency basis. SIT works together to make schoolwide decisions. The meetings are open to the public and all are encouraged to attend.

    In order to access our school improvement plan and selected indicators, please visit School Improvement Plan.

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    2024-2025 Team Members

    Melonie Alligood - Chair

    Lisa Baker - Media Coordinator/Secretary

    Melonie Alligood - K-2 rep

    Kellyn Wright - K-2 rep

    Dawn Mason - 3-5 rep 

    Melissa Nelson - 3-5 rep

    Katherine Stroud - 6-8 rep

    Lisa Askew - 6-8 rep 

    Sherry Moore - EC rep

    Olivia Burns - K-8 Special Representative

    Dana Mason - TA rep

    Many Hedgepeth - Instructional ELA Coach (K-5)

    LeAnna Holmes - Instructional ELA Coach (6-8)

    Kellyn Wright - Instructional Math Coach (K-5) 

    Tracie Asby - Instructional Math Coach (6-8)

    Kimberly Bissette - Admin    

    Julie Harper - Admin

    Jennie Moore - School Counselor

    Ethan Coltrain - Parent Representative

    Anna Frances Hodges - Parent Representative 

    BES Comprehensive Report