- Bath Elementary
- Teacher Name
- Bath Elementary
- Teacher Name

Phone: 252-923-3251
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Dawn Mason
Welcome! I teach Social Studies and Science! Social Studies will be taught during the first semester and Science during the second semester. In Social Studies, we will learn about our great state of North Carolina! In Science, we will cover various topics such as: matter, energy, the moon, fossils, animals, and more. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Fourth Grade Daily Schedule:
8:00 - 9:30 - Block 1
9:30 - 11:00 - Block 2
11:00 - 11:55 - Block 3
11:55 - 12:25 - Lunch
12: 30 -12:50 - Block 3
12: 50 - 1:30 - Specials
1:30 -1:55 - Recess
1:55 - 2:15 - Block 3
2:15- 3:00 - Level Up
BES 4th Grade Supply List
(This is the complete list of supplies for all 4th grade classes.)
1 MEAD™ plastic folders with pockets & brads
4 black & white composition books -wide ruled
Earbuds (stay in book bag for school use)
2 packs wide ruled notebook paper
1 pencil pouch
24 pencils with erasers
12 colored pencils
24 pk Crayola crayons
4 pk Expo Dry Erase markers
4 pk Glue Sticks
1 pair of scissors
2 box of tissues
Optional Donations
Zip Loc Bags- Sandwich size
Hand Sanitizer
Clorox Wipes
Paper Towels
Expo Markers
1 package of white copy paper
Music – Headphones
ART- 1- 3 pack Pink Erasers
1 pack of Crayola Color Fine Line Markers 10 Ct.