- Northeast Elementary
- School Improvement
- Northeast Elementary
- School Improvement
School Improvement
Click link above to access School Improvement PlanNortheast School Improvement Team
In accordance with NC School Law, Northeast Elementary School Improvement Team consists of members elected by the staff and parents.
The primary responsibility of the team is to develop and implement a plan to improve student performance.
The NES SIT meets each month to discuss topics related to student achievement, staff development, finances and parent involvement.
In order to access our school improvement plan and selected indicators, please visit https://www.indistar.org/
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2023 - 2024 SIT Elected Team Members-
Donna Cornelius, Chair, EC
Anita Rayburn, Middle School
Jennifer Taylor, 1st Grade
Paula Sherman, Principal
Melanie Halsey, Middle School
Nancy Stevens, Classified
Erin Tyson, Asst. Principal
Jennifer Sneed, Electives
Verlesia Cox, Parent Rep
Keyoshia Liverman, MTSS
Jennie Moore, PBIS / Middle School
Amber Koonce, Parent Rep
Katherine Phillips, Process Manager
Kim Smith, 3rd Grade/PTO
Emily Bland,Central Office
Chelsey Berry, Media
Jessica Adams, Pre - K
Victoria Anderson (Social Worker)
Autumn Wallace, Title I
Debbie Arthur, 1st Grade