

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Emily Davis

Welcome to the P.S.Jones Media Center! I am your Media Coordinator, Emily Davis. This is my 14th year as a media coordinator working previously at Southside High School across the river and South Creek High School in Robersonville. Prior to moving to P.S.Jones I was the media coordinator across the street at John Small, so I am super excited to continue working with these students! I have two children, Gabe and Carly, and have been married to my wonderful husband for 19 years.  I coach the Battle of the Books team, host Book Fairs, am a School Improvement Team member, the Instructional Technology Leader for our school, the school's Webmaster, and assist with various other school activities. This will be an exciting year, and I look forward to working with all of our students! Go Demons!